Wednesday, 10 January 2007

About bikes!

Or at least partly about bikes.

Click here to see the sexiest bike ever. No discussion. Car nuts, go elsewhere, leather won't save you from this. Even though I had a Yamaha myself, and probably will get just that when I get the opportunity again, I have to give it to the Italians as far as looks go.

The next thing, really isn't about bikes at all, but it's a very simple game that has kept me entertained for hours, or I could say it is *very* addicting. It's called Line Rider (you can click it to go to the site to play), and well, go see for yourself.

So here I was, making my guy do some loops and silly jumps, showing it to my lovely girlfriend who too thought it was pretty interesting.

So I was feeling pretty good about it you think? Damn straight I was.

Till I saw this.

. . .

I believe her words were "Haha, where are you now with your 2 or 3 miserable lines."

Ah well, back to the drawing board.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yep. Line Rider. Played with it once during a long dt. Then saw some videos. Then I have up. Poor me