Wednesday 17 January 2007

12 hours from now...

.. I should be on my way to Austria. The criminal case against the guy that hit me, with his car as I'm usually slightly too big for anyone to walk up to and hit me with their fists, comes before the judge tomorrow morning, so it all depends on how that goes.

Option 1: He loses his license, I'm off before lunch.
Option 2: He loses his license, they need me to hang around for hours, I have a night-drive.
Option 3: He doesn't lose his license, I'm off before lunch.

Now Option 4 is the tricky one. If he doesn't lose his license, and I 'give the guy a heartattack', apparently the police might interfere with me going on vacation. Ridiculous world we're living in, gone be the time where the victim had actual rights.

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