Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Hi, my name is Hugh.

Hugh Hefner, apparently.

It's not every day you walk into a store to buy 4 pc's, 2 very well equipped desktop, a decent med-spec desktop, and a very VERY nice lappie. The store clerk started calling me hugh after a while, amusing, keeps the shopping more interesting anyhow. Love the fact that every one waiting in line while I kept 33% of the staff busy for over 2 hours was getting pissed off too, love it more when they then proceeded to order a crap 500 euro pc and still expected some massive discount because they saw another pc in an advertisement for less!1!!1!evelenty!1!1!111!!!!!

I won't go into what I told those idiots, had a good laugh with the clerk anyhow. Although he mostly giggled as I think it's bad for business to laugh in the face of your retarded income.

Anyhow, should have my beastie on tuesday... :D I hate waiting.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
