Friday 4 May 2007

Moooo cuddle cuddle

By now you'll have realised that making up titles aren't exactly my gift, so I'll shut up about it now. What I found yesterday though, is quite fitting with the title of this blog.

Mothers day is less than 2 weeks from now, and obviously we all want to please ours, so off we go looking for original ideas on-line. Chocolate, been there.. perfume, done that. And then, I found the mothers day top 10. Huzzah, standard as f--- probably, but it's never a bad thing to go over the basics anyhow.

Basics my backside. There it was, staring at me from position number 3. "Comfy Cow Cuddling". 3 hours of training and practise in the art of hugging cows. 3 f-cking hours. Apparently it's good for your creativity and innovation, and helps you tackle complex problems. 40 euros p.p.

Now I don't personally think 40 euros is a lot for a "nice" day out, but I'd spend it elsewhere. What does concern me, is that people go out and do this, and then come home and complain that their milk has gotten 1c more expensive.

There's times I wish there was a government agency who would identify the people on such sites (the ones in the picture mind, not the ones looking at it, I'd be buggered) and take them away to sense-camp.

Anyhow, linky. Its in dutch tho.

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Hi, my name is Hugh.

Hugh Hefner, apparently.

It's not every day you walk into a store to buy 4 pc's, 2 very well equipped desktop, a decent med-spec desktop, and a very VERY nice lappie. The store clerk started calling me hugh after a while, amusing, keeps the shopping more interesting anyhow. Love the fact that every one waiting in line while I kept 33% of the staff busy for over 2 hours was getting pissed off too, love it more when they then proceeded to order a crap 500 euro pc and still expected some massive discount because they saw another pc in an advertisement for less!1!!1!evelenty!1!1!111!!!!!

I won't go into what I told those idiots, had a good laugh with the clerk anyhow. Although he mostly giggled as I think it's bad for business to laugh in the face of your retarded income.

Anyhow, should have my beastie on tuesday... :D I hate waiting.

Thursday 19 April 2007


Wouldn't normally do this, but this is just.... amazing.

It's so mine.

Only a few more months of saving....

Wednesday 18 April 2007

Hi, I'm with the police..

To be honest, I couldn't think of a fitting title.... but to the point:

I just got off thehometrainer (bike thing) in my black bikey pants, all tired and about to hop into the shower. But no, some guy at the door insists on ringing the doorbell. Fair enough, I go down, and he shows police ID and asks some questions about a break-in 3 houses away from us, because of a top floor no-one else in the street has you can see into that garden and also the window through which they came. Now this makes sense, ID looked ok, guy looked ok, questions seemed ok. However when we're finished, and I walk up to grab some stuff, I notice this guy is taking a leak into the hedge of the neighbours. I took a picture too, will put that up when I connect my phone to my other pc.

I mean.. seriously.. wtf.

Called the police just to verify that this wasn't some hoax guy looking for targets or something, they said it was one of their officers. Considered being nice and telling them it was nothing, but then again... if they fine you for driving 54 in a 50 road that would be a 90 road in Belgium or so, I guess he deserves some shite for peeing in someones garden. All in the name of justice of course.

Tuesday 17 April 2007

And the lazy bastard award goes to....

So I totally suck for not writing in.. forever. It's just been hectic lately, didn't really find time in between spending time with the sweetest girl I could possibly imagine, fixing crap, and dealing with psychiatric patients at some institute who figured it would be smart to hire someone who generally doesn't give a crap about complete idiots... that, and I laugh in the face of danger, as well as the face of people with such rediculous mental disorders that there is really nothing else you can do. More on that, later, and I mean soon-later, not 2-months later.

Why write now? Because I am being paid for the next few minutes, and I have nothing to do til the end, going home isnt an option since it won't pay. Basically, the good life, except it would be the better life if I could just go I guess.

Typical case as usual, except I actually upset someone for removing their passwords. Now I'm well aware that the option to remember the password is handy, meaning you don't have to remember it yourself in that one brain cell you've got. But this, was a startup password, that you *have* to enter when you load the system. Which means, that you actually *type* it every day... and you can't remember? Jezus, just pretend you need to enter it and write it in notepad or something. Ah well; a stupid person a day, keeps me happy. Not quite as catchy as the one that had something to do with a doctor, but it works for me. :)

Sunday 25 February 2007


I linked a video a while ago with a girl on some slingshot.

Takes it just a tad further.

Suicide is hip.

Saturday 24 February 2007

Hotel Prisonia

It's in dutch.. ah well.

Basically, we're getting a new prison. Prisoners will get a pc/console with games, tv with some decent channels. Beige/soft-green painted to reduce aggression. Bigger cells for inmates with claustrophobia.

Police spokesperson said that the police should treat the prisoners as guests from now on.


Fuck that.