This is about what happened when working yesterday. It was going to be fairly easy, leaving enough time to have some fun in the kitchen and play some SC. Of course, it was easy, to solve the problems that is.
However trying to inform 2 completely ignorant people on just exactly how stupid their ideas were was pretty damn tough.
I'll give the short recap.
- Person A, has a few businesses, and with that, come a few 'problems', ie. Someone is likely to dislike you. However, just because you feel like someone is out to harass you, doesn't mean that they're suddenly able to pull of uberhacking stunts. Sure, it's possible, but what made it so rediculous is that the "result" was e-mail being blocked. Now I found it after about 30 seconds (surprised no-one else did), simple error in the settings. Now it's quite possible that a "hacker" did this, but given the security installed there would be 10000 simpler ways to harass you, that would also be more effective, including driving a truck through your wall, shooting you in the face, stealing your stuff, and flying out of the country all without being caught. And don't yell at me for being right, that'll just cost more, mmkay?
- Person B. Now person B isn't as stubborn as person A, but nevertheless plain fcking ignorant. Mind you, ignorant people can still be rather nice, such as person A, but that's not the point. To describe the level of idiocy we're dealing with here, I only need 1 sentence: Just because your just-bought pc has files on it (more specifically, a windows and a program files folder, both filled with stuff), doesn't mean the store ripped you off and sold you a second hand pc. Of course, I could continue and say that then proceeding to delete these so-called second hand files would really be a rather daft thing to do, as well as then proceeding to go back to the store and demand your money back. But I guess I don't have to do that to make it clear exactly how hopeless some really are.
Could have imagined that happening in 1990, but in 2007?
Every time I get the slightest bit of hope for our race, it gets shot down again. sigh.
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